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Register your Tournament

Running an event: for Clubs

If your club is interested in holding a tournament, you will be required to register it with Archery NZ. Bear in mind there are different types of tournaments.

Here is a guideline about the different types of archery tournaments and competitions in New Zealand and how to run them.

Standard Calendar of Events

Here is a standardised guide to all the major events held in NZ each year. This may help with planning your event in regards to avoiding clashes with other events in your district.

Entering a Tournament?

If you are an archer, and want to shoot in a tournament, you probably want to go to this page and find out more about how to do that.


For example: Waitangi Day – the Royle Hutton Memorial Challenge; Ryan, Hamilton and Fraser Shield Challenge and the Teams Inter-club League. The Youth Monthly shoot and the School Programme are also postal competitions.


These are sometimes referred to as “postal” competitions because they are shot at your home club and “post” your scores online or to an administrator.


Your club or your archers will need to be a member of Archery NZ (or a School member) to participate in these tournaments.


They often have separate entry forms that come from Archery NZ that your club may need to fill out separately or submit your scores as a club.

Clubs are NOT required to register these events, although they may choose to if they wish. It is a good opportunity for clubs to encourage their more social members to shoot and compete on a far more casual basis than they would at a major tournament or event.


The Royle Hutton has medals awarded each year.
The Interclub Shields are awarded to the winning club team (Ryan for recurve, Fraser for compound, Hamilton for Barebow/Longbow)
The Interclub League has divisions. Division 1 wins a shield. Other divisions win certificates.
School and Youth shoots win certificates.

All of these are notified to your club by Archery NZ and awarded either at a national event or sent to your club by the event administrator.


A minor tournament is a properly organised and controlled shoot of any Archery NZ or World Archery round (as listed in the shooting rules), where the following Association awards may be won:

  • Certain Merit Pins and some Perfect pins (eg Clout)

It needs to be officiated by a senior affiliated member of Archery NZ who shall certify the following:

The target faces were of the approved World Archery type, carrying the World Archery registration number and date.

  1. The shooting ground was correctly laid out.
  2. Only the permissible number of practice and scoring ends had been shot.
  3. The correct timing of ends was used (where appropriate).
  4. All minor tournaments must be registered with the Tournament Registrar. Results must be published publicly after the tournament is held.


Your club range, usually, although for Clout and Field these may be at another nominated ground/range.


Archers who shoot must belong to Archery NZ either through their club or independently. As a club you may make the decision to allow non-affiliated archers to shoot but their results must remain with the club and not be submitted to Archery NZ.


Minor Tournaments should be registered with the Tournaments Registrar by filling out the Minor Tournaments form ( This includes the contact details of the senior affiliated member of Archery NZ and their ANZ number so that any queries can be sent their way.

Minor tournaments do not need to be approved. Once the form is sent, the tournament may be published online (ArcheryOSA) and advertised.

Once the tournament is finished, results must be published publicly (ArcheryOSA).


Up to the host club. If you wish to award certificates or club medals it is up to you.


A major tournament is a properly organised and controlled shoot of any Archery NZ or World Archery round (as listed in the shooting rules).

Major Tournaments need to be registered with the Tournaments Registrar. Click here to complete the Major or World Archery (WA) Star Registration form:

World Archery Registered tournaments are the same as Major, but with an added fee to World Archery. You can also claim World Archery badges and records from these types of events so that is always a benefit to your archers!

The event must meet the following conditions:

  1. Must be registered at least 2 months before the start date, unless at the discretion of the Tournament Registrar
  2. Must be open to members of all clubs, except where the tournament is run for an age-specific purpose (eg Youth or District Championships)
  3. A non-shooting Director of Shooting (DoS), 18 years or older, affiliated to Archery NZ, will control the tournament
  4. A registered Archery NZ Judge will be present to certify that the tournament has been run to a satisfactory standard.

If you are not sure of the rules, please visit the Rules and Regulations page.

Any questions please email to


Your nominated ground/range.


Archers who shoot must belong to Archery NZ either through their club or independently.


Major Tournaments need to be registered with the Tournaments Registrar. Click here to complete the Major or World Archery (WA) Star Registration form:

Major tournaments must be approved by the Tournaments Registrar so that there are no clashes. Any questions please email to

Once you have completed your Tournament Registration Form and submitted it, you will need to set your event up in ArcheryOSA so that it will show on the Archery NZ Tournament Calendar. You can also run your entries through the system to streamline things.

Once the tournament is finished, results must be published publicly (ArcheryOSA). You must also submit the Tournament Completion Form.


It depends on the tournament. Major tournaments at your club may choose to have club medals awarded. District majors (eg target championships) usually have district medals provided by your district. NI or SI Championships have medals usually by the host club. For Youth NI and SI championships there are specific medals to order from Archery NZ..

Some tournaments have specific trophies. Please review the Trophy Information document.


This is a zip file containing a series of standard score sheets for your club or tournament use. It is highly recommended to use these score sheets for all tournaments so that archers become used to a standard scoring format. This will help tournament organisers and assist in minimising errors.

Most of the regular rounds that are shot have been included, as well as a generic score sheet that may be useful for various club shoots, all can be printed on an A4 page. They are available in Microsoft Excel format, so that clubs may add logos, tournament names and dates.


Please review the Trophy document


Don’t forget to organise your judges!